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AI Discovery Workshop

Explore how AI can address your specific business needs and pain points, unlocking opportunities for immediate return on investment (ROI). 

Discover the right AI

Through our design thinking workshop, we'll identify AI solutions that align with your business goals and pain-points. These solutions will be organised into a roadmap, prioritising quick wins to boost productivity and deliver tangible returns on investment (ROI).

Our Clients

Your AI Advisory Partner

Our commitment is to support every Small and Medium Enterprise throughout its AI transformation journey, ensuring that your business leverage the full potential of artificial intelligence.

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Discovery Process

Our Discovery Workshop offers a framework designed to guide businesses from initial conception to successful AI deployment in 6 steps

Solution Ideation

A workshop is undertaken to review current jobs performed, pains and gains and identify potential AI solutions that can help achieve these goals.

Data Discovery

We identify the necessary data that will be required for the AI models. It ensures that quality and relevant data will be available to train / prompt the models.

Solution Roadmap

A roadmap is laid out for the AI solution's development and deployment. This includes timelines, milestones, estimates and any other relevant information.

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Business Goals

This involves understanding and defining the objectives and desired outcomes for the business area in which AI solutions are being sought.

Solution Evaluation

After the ideation workshop, solutions are assessed based on feasibility, potential ROI, technical challenges, and other criteria.

Model Identification

This involves selecting the best-fit models that are most likely to deliver the desired outcomes.

Capture ROI faster and stay ahead of the competition

This workshop provides a comprehensive approach to identifying, evaluating, and implementing AI solutions that can drive significant improvements across various business functions.

Tailored Solutions

Identify AI applications that are specifically designed to meet your unique business goals and challenges.

Strategic Roadmap

Develop a clear, actionable roadmap that prioritises both quick wins and long-term initiatives, ensuring sustainable growth and ROI.

Competitive Edge

Stay ahead of the competition by integrating cutting-edge AI technologies that drive innovation and efficiency.

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